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Upload Music

Music Uploader

Submit Music

Thanks for submitting!

Rules(plz read):

Submitting music is free, but you have to file a form so i know who published what.


All Music will be licensed.

You can not upload music made with Magix for copyright reasons.

Uploading music will be free.

You MUST not upload music you did not make to be featured in the Community Tunes page.

Yes, a new community tunes page will be added.

Listening to the community’s music will be free.Now, for the rules,

You must submit a form stating the name, licensing, and Rating of your song.

Allowed Ratings:

Rated C: this music is for Ages 4 and under(i.e. Nursery Rhymes)

Rated E: This music is ages 5+(i.e. Music suitable for adults, and children ages 5 and over)

Rated E 10+: Music for ages 10+ (i.e. Contains words like hell or damn)

Rated T: this music is ages 13+(i.e. Swearing, violence, etc)

Rated M: This music is 16+ (Extreme Swearing, violent sounds, some mentions of nudity, etc)

Rated A: This music is 18+(Lots of gunshot sounds, swearing,lots of nudity, or just 18+ sounds in general)

Copyright © 2021 - Now by TurdTunes. No part of this work may be reproduced with permission from TurdGuy.

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